If you want to experience good health, happiness and a balanced life, you have to make use of the power of forgiveness! This is a universal concept that has been emphasized throughout the history of mankind.
Doctors, scientists, philosophers and enlightened masters have all emphasized on how essential it is to forgive. Forgiveness and Unconditional Love have many different aspects to it, it’s an art that takes time to learn. This program offers the basic tools and foundation to help start your journey towards forgiveness and love. Through scientific research and universal spiritual teachings, you will learn about the life changing benefits of forgiveness.
This course explains diverse spiritual concepts such as meditation, the age of your soul, the universal law of karma and life after death! If you have a basic understanding of the universal laws of consciousness, it prepares you to become a good practitioner. This course offers knowledge from different spiritual perspectives to enhance your understanding of consciousness and spiritual growth. You will also have the option of receiving a certificate if you finish all the assignment questions. This will give you the option of becoming a Forgiveness coach and guide others.
This program also makes references to the knowledge given by various spiritual teachers, doctors, scientists, phd’s and researchers. There is a guided meditation with soft music in the background. There is a demonstration of a very simple and powerful breathing technique. You will also learn very powerful energy healing techniques that can very easily be taught to your clients! This is a complete program that uses diversified methods to help achieve balance on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual!