Past Lives Healing Workshop




At some point during our lifetime questions arise from deep within us. Who am I? What is my purpose earth? Is there such a thing as life after death? There is no such thing as death for our soul. It’s simply a continuation of our journey from our old place to our new place.
We are living in a time where belief in spirituality is beginning to grow. A survey was taken in 1969 which showed that nearly 20 % of the American public believed in life after death (Gallup Poll). In 1981, another survey revealed that 23% of all Americans believed in reincarnation (1). In 1989 research analyst Walter Martin stated that “the latest survey on reincarnation indicates that more than 58% of Americans polled either believed in it or believed it to be a distinct possibility (2). According to the “World Statistics” survey published in July 1996 “More Americans believe in reincarnation than ever before, and more and more Europeans are accepting the doctrine with increasing frequency.” People living in the East are very quick to admit in their belief in reincarnation. According to statistics, four out of five people surveyed that they completely believed in the doctrine of reincarnation (3). This means that over half the world’s population believes in Reincarnation!
Why is there such a rise in a belief in reincarnation?
There are three main reasons according to research analysts. 1) A deep interest in Eastern Philosophies which is full of wisdom and offers a holistic approach to living a life of balance. 2) A growing interest in the West with the subject of death. 3) The validity of Past Life Therapy.
In this workshop, we will use a unique approach to get glimpses of your past lives. This group regression is powerful and effective and you can achieve great results and healing in a short time. The purpose of this workshop is to try to become aware of your past karmic actions and learn to rectify your old energy patterns which affect our present level of consciousness. We are combining the methods of two models, Energy Healing & Regression Therapy to get a quick and effective result!
We will also have a sharing session where you may ask questions and benefit from keenly insightful discussions and observations.


What is the Past Lives Healing Workshop about?

The Past Lives Healing Workshop explores the concept of past lives and how unresolved issues from previous lifetimes may influence your current life. The workshop helps participants identify and heal these past life traumas.

How is past life healing conducted in this workshop?

The workshop uses techniques such as guided regression, meditation, and intuitive insights to help participants access memories of past lives and work through any unresolved issues.

Who should consider attending the Past Lives Healing Workshop?

 This workshop is ideal for those who feel that past life experiences are affecting their present life or who are curious about their past lives and want to explore them for healing purposes.

What can I expect to gain from the Past Lives Healing Workshop?

Participants may gain insights into unresolved past life issues, experience emotional healing, and achieve a greater understanding of their soul’s journey and purpose.

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